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What Will Be the New Normal for the Hotel Industry After Lockdown?

by jaypee_moderator   ·  5 years ago   ·  
What Will Be the New Normal for the Hotel Industry After Lockdown?

With the pandemic taking off most of our plans from the travel list, from now on, travellers and guests will also make safety and hygiene measures as a priority while choosing accommodation. The speed with which everything has happened during COVID19 pandemic is contrasted by the severe measures that have paralysed travel. Due to this, many hotels have decided to close their doors.

Considering the severity of the situation, the first thing we, Jaypee Hotels, as one of the best 5-star hotel in Delhi/NCR, is trying to implement, is to transmit a message of security and normality amongst all. Classifying the actions into three main groups, we are observing:

  • Security: In the new normal, safety and hygiene measures will be a priority for the guests while choosing the accommodation. They will surely demand that the hotels implement strict cleaning protocol to deal with the coronavirus. We are:
    • Creating a record of travellers with their history of recent trips by both guests and employees
    • Ensuring the availability of pick and drop facility of the guests from the airport or stations to avoid the exposure of public transport
    • Providing frequent laundry services
    • Creating a protocol for epidemics or quarantines
    • Using chemicals recognised by relevant authorities
    • Training our team to recognise the symptoms of COVID19
  • Flexibility: Flexibility is what people look for while booking hotels. So, with the maximum potential for customer comfort and satisfaction, we have:
    • Updated our cancellation policies
    • Offered free cancellations against local, international restrictions or for cancellation of large events
    • Modified the rules for current and future prepaid reservations
    • Been flexible with check-in and check-out timings
  • Hospitality: From now onwards, the travel agencies and hotels will display crucial information on the listing of the hotels. We all will be offering explanations and advice on local measures pertaining to Coronavirus social distancing and restrictions. All of these points will now be key to generating reservations. Like we provide:
    • 24/7 medical care and display insurance services and agreements
    • A guide of the hotel’s actions for the prevention of COVID19
    • A guide of things to do during their stay

The Team

Jaypee Hotels understands that it is important to keep the employees and the hotel staff united and motivated, to fight against any situation. Some recommendations for co-hosting that we are following are like:

  • Keeping the team informed about the hotel’s evaluation and business expectations
  • Using the technologically advanced tools to stay connected and united with the team members working from home
  • Training our team well during this time of least footfall
  • Involving staff members in actions taken to prevent COVID19

Protocols for guest stay and preventive measures against the spread of coronavirus which are to be followed.

  • In case of no automatic doors, use disinfectants before entering the hotel, before taking the elevators etc
  • Make sure that once in the hotel, the travel bags and suitcases are stored inside disposable sheets
  • Make the masks and sanitisers available to the guests and have assigned a designated trash bin for the used ones
  • Elevator rides are monitored with one person at a time 

What are we doing?

We have started useful guidelines to save you from the problems in future. Like:

  • Thermal screening at the main entrance
  • Aarogya setu app with green signal is mandatory
  • Filling up the declaration form at the restaurant entrance
  • Digital transactions being practiced
  • Good hygiene practice being followed
  • Social distancing for seating and service processes
  • Disposal items being preferred
  • Staff trained as per fssai guidelines
  • Cleaning and sanitization of the kitchen/restaurants done as per fssai

Jaypee Hotels is one trusted and leading 5-star brand incorporating all the necessary precautions and safety measures against COVID19 pandemic. We are extra cautious and conscious regarding the health and safety of our guests.

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